Update: 03 December 2024


Corrective PhysEdsm helps you ‘hard-wire’ optimal posture and movement skills. You will develop the skill necessary to resolve musculokeletal pain symptoms and prevent injury. Once trained, neuromuscular-patterning works to continually improve strength, balance, and to protect you from injury for life.

 Assessment and training gym.

Health Elite is located in Bayfield, Wisconsin. We provide a medical clinic (for local patients), and a full gym for musculoskeletal assessment and training.

Julie Casper, C.Ac.

Julie's professional medical background includes clinical experience in multiple disciplines. Her complementary skills let her address your health concerns with more therapy options.

Julie earned her medical degree at the Academy of Classical Oriental Sciences in British Columbia, Canada. She has a diploma in traditional Chinese acupuncture.

Julie is a consulting specialist in clinical hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (hTMA). hTMA is a multipurpose medical test used to assess metabolic state, endocrine system function and toxic body-burden. In fact, hTMA is recommended by the EPA as the preferred method for determining heavy metal toxicity, and public health agencies worldwide use hTMA for biomonitoring. Test results guide corrective clinical nutrition recommendations.

Julie is an internationally recognized exercise therapist and a former Junior Olympian (Women's Gymnastics). She is certified by the C.H.E.K. Institute in both biokinetic analysis, and corrective protocol design and training. With Corrective PhysEd she helps you to develop the neuromuscular-patterning necessary to correct your specific musculoskeletal pathology. This enables you to resolve the associated pain – safely and permanently.